18 Year Old Virgin

Q. I'm 18 and still a virgin. All my girlfriends have tried sex and I'm starting to feel like there's something wrong with me. I've been out on plenty of dates but the boys don't try it on. What's going on?

There's nothing wrong with you! That's the first thing you need to know The second is that you can't compare yourself with other people as everyone's different. Your friends may be exaggerating their experiences as well - have you thought of that? It's better to wait and get a nice guy the first time around as you'll remember your first sexual experience all of your life. If you do it with any guy that tries it on, you might be sorry later. You are possibly more sensitive or serious than other girls your age and the boys pick up that vibe from you. Good! It's important to be treated with respect. There's plenty of time for sex, Melanie but the first time only comes once. It'll happen soon enough - treasure it.

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