Creative Corner 7

WELCOME to GIRL.COM.AU's Creative Corner. Each month we give budding young readers the opportunity to submit poetry, short stories, or artwork and have their work published!

Xiaoyu sweated. The person was 1 metre away and she knew she couldn't beat her. She didn't have the strength. The big red spot on her cheats seemed to get bigger and bigger and her hope more and more little. She knew she was finished.

Time was running out, but there was time for one last defence. Slowly she closed her eyes and pictured the image of an Ancient Ninja called Kenjii. "Please" she prayed," give me the strength to go on and bring honour to my family".

Her vision ended and she watched her adversary approach. Quickly, with a deft crescent kick, she hit the person on the shoulders. People roared- some with pride, some with disgust. She watched the rulers approach- firm, no-nonsense. With doom she hit one quicker front kick- and heard the crowd roar, this time with amazement.

The rulers approached and Lana put her head down, ready to accept judgement. Her eyes closed filled with tears, doom and thoughts of failure she waited.....

Her hand was roughly yanked up. She had beaten her opponent. She had won the Tae Kwon Do gold metal at the Sydney 2000 Olympic games.

- Anon.

Today I am alone
Nobody on the phone.
No ones called in
No family, no kin.
The love that fled
Left a cold bed.

Left the blood so thick
And the eyes so sick,
Left the tears so black
He'll never come back.

Black Boy, Black Girl
Black boy sits at the desk
Alone and friendless.

Black girl plays with her white dolls
The other girls say she doesn't belong.

The boys don't want to play football with him
He's got different colour, he plays for another team

Nigger, Blacky, go away
My mum says your not allowed to play.

- Katherine Donlon

Not good enough
I'm not good enough for you
Not popular
Not cool
Don't smoke
Don't drink
You don't know I exist.
I look at you
You look away.
Will I ever,
Ever be good enough?

- Nathan Johnson

I like you but I dislike you
Only 'cause you dislike me
Why can't you see me for me?
I see you for you
But I don't like the way I see you
Because you hurt me
I've never hurt you.
Why can't you just

- Nicole Nagle


I am bored
I don't know where I'd rather be
I wish you would leave me alone
Twenty minutes to go
This song's really bad
This room is hot
I want to go home and watch TV.

- Justine Newton

I look out of my window
And see people shouting
Fighting with each other.

Others keep to themselves,
In their own
Quiet space.

Do these people feel confused?
Or lost?
This is a question.

I will never know.

- Tamara Sorger

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Creative Corner only encourages original works and we accept no responsibility for copyright.


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