Creative Corner 9

Welcome to GIRL.COM.AU's Creative Corner. Each month we give budding young readers the opportunity to submit poetry, short stories, or artwork and have their work published!


(Dedicated to my best friend Jaci Tranter)

I believe that you have to listen to your heart
because it will always tell you the right thing
I believe if things go wrong it is for a reason
I believe you don't always know why it is
I believe no matter what any one else thinks
You do what you think is best
That's why I believe we will always be friends
I don't care about the rest
I believe that they were right
And yes, we were wrong
But it's not going to stop us being friends
Because friendship is so strong
Friendship will last longer
Especially when it's true
I believe that's me and you

- Shelley


What a lonely life
What a lonely world
What a Sad Being
Who'd want to be a girl?

Where's the life of laughter
What happened to the child?
Now locked in a cage we hide
Till we go crazy and wild

The wounds go deep
The bruises blue
The pain is hiding
Inside of you

The love is still there
As bright as ever
But how can we last
Is this forever?

- Katherine Donlon

When will it be?
That you will see
That you and me
Are meant to be

- Kelly


With darkness as my leader
The light seems out of place
The shadows that the evil cast
Fall upon my face

No one believes this girl is troubled
They just ignore it. Will not see
That all this girl really needs
Is a loving family

Instead they push her farther away
Not far, Just out of reach
So if they took that small step closer
Her life would be complete.

But they won't take that step
They sit back, Watch and wait
They torment her with her presence
This distance she can't take.

- Pruey


What is love?
Love is the butterflies in your stomach
When the person you love walks by
Love is the goose bumps on your arms
When you look at him eye-to-eye
Love is a drug that makes you high
When you hear his lovable voice
Love is the heat that melts your heart
When you realise you have no choice
What is love anyway?
Love is when you care for someone
Without putting on an act
True love is just simply
When he loves you back

- Dani P.

Whispers through the night
Mean so much to so many,
Loud screams through the day
Can be ignored so easily.
Are we trapped within our speech?
Does anyone really ever understand
our true feelings?
Or does silence speak for us?

- Frances Cusworth


I'd love to fly
It's my one true wish
I'd love to swim
In the sea with the fish
I'd love to walk
Across a thousand plains
And for you I'd walk
Over burning flames

- Susan Goodman


The silence surrounds me.
Maybe I should ask,
For I do not know the answer...
Now there is talking
I have lost the opportunity
I may never know the way.

- Carlie Di Pilla


I'm not good enough for you
Not popular
Not cool
Don't smoke
Don't drink
You don't know I exist
I look at you
You look away
Will I ever,
Ever be good enough?

- Nathan Johnson

We are so cruel
We are so mindless
We close communication
We then see spirits die.
We see beggars on the street
We see homeless in the gutters.
Once successful businessmen
Were shot down by their own ignorance
We say we are friends for each other
We say we are united
But when it comes to sacrifice
Where are we?
We're not in sight.
We see people, so lost
We see people fall down.
Do we ever stop and help or
are we too good for that?
We live in a material world
Filled with technology and noise
We need to hear some silence,
Or else live a life of fraud.

- Jacinta Lawlor

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