Q. My mother keeps coming home with books about teenagelife, sex, problems and so on and trying to get me to read them. It's driving me mad! I've told her I'm not interested but it just seems to make her do it more.
What can I do? I'm 15.
Charmaine:I'm sure you realise your mum just cares about you and wants to make your teenage years as smooth as possible. My feeling is that she doesn't know how to talk to you and is using these books as a communication starting-piint. She obviously doesn't realise that they're driving you away instead of bringing you closer.
Why not tell her straightout that the books are getting o your nervesand i she wans to talk about anything, you'd be willing to listen. Be patient with her - she's only a struggling parent, after all! This is an awkward time for both of you and you'll look back and laugh about it one day. Meanwhile, if she nsists on buying the books, why not glance at one or two of them? They might not be as bad as you think.
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