Not talkative enough

I'm only a teenager but very confused! My BF dumped me not long ago and said he wouldn't because he really liked me and didn't want to hurt me, but he still did. He said it was because I wouldnt talk to him enough but I talked to him pretty much everyday on the phone, but it didn't work in person because wewere both at work together and everyone was interfering. And he said a lot of nice things two days beforehand like how much he liked me etc, and then does this. What is going on in his mind? Now he won't even talk to me because I'm clinging too much but I just wont to know what's happening, for closureetc
Is that to much to ask. I can't wait to hear from you,

What has happened to you baffles people far older and it happens more than you might imagine.

Sometimes, people in a new relationship just sort of panic and decide they want out. If it's any consolation, it usually means they feel a lot and are vulnerable. That's one possible explanation.

The other is that he genuinely changed his mind and used the excuse about you not talking enough.What are your instincts telling you?

Regardless of the reason, you can't force him to have closure with you. No, it's not too much to ask but it's one of the harsh realitiesof life that we have to accept behaviour at times that is downright unfair. I understand that you're confused but I think it's best if you stop hounding him for answers as it will only make things worse.

It's a cliche but time does heal. Distract yourself till you start to feel better.

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