Older Guy, can't stay away

I'm a 15-year-old and I've been in a relationship with a 22-year-old for the past 4 months. I told my parents at first, but they reacted in a very negative way. I said that I wouldn't see him, but I couldn't stay away. He's a really great guy, and I want to continue the relationship, but recently I've been feeling very guilty about not telling my parents and I'm also starting to get nervous and anxious they might find out.What should I do?

A/ I'm sure you know that your parents are just concerned for your wellbeing.

The age-gap is considerable, mainly because at 22, he's an adult but you're not so what he can do may not be appropriate for you. You're certainly not the first teenager to to sneak around behind the back of parents but it's to your credit that you don't feel good about it. Lying creates negative energy. Why don't you come clean and try to set up a compromise so you can see the boy but not the way you're doing now. Maybe your parents will invite him over for a meal and see for themselves that he's a good guy. It's worth a try.

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