Older Man

I'm a 15-year-old female and I've been in a relationship with a22-year-old guy for the past 4 months. I told my parents at first, but theyreacted in a very negative way. I said that I wouldn't see him, but I couldn't stay away. He's a really great guy, and I want to continue the relationship, but recently I've been feeling very guilty about not telling my parents (mom in particular) and I'm also starting to get nervous and anxious they might find out.
What should I do?

It's obviously better if you can see this boy out in the open. Your parents'concern is probably to do with the fact that this guy is so much older thanyou and I have to say I share their concern. This young man is at a totallydifferent life-stage and I don't want to see you struggling to keep up withhim.

Could you compromise and see him only at home or in groups? That way, yourparents might gradually accept him. It's better than sneaking around. Being15 is stressful enough without all this extra pressure. Think about it.

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