Popular Group Fallout

Q. I used to be in a popular group at school but I fell out with one of the girls and now the whole group avoids me. It's so unfair! What can I do?

Yes, it is unfair but you're at a great age to learn an important lesson - it's not what happens in life, it' s how we react. If you show you're upset, you'll be playing right into the hands of the girl you had the fight with. I'd say she's enjoying her moment of power over the group so don't add to her fun. If you feel you did somethimg wrong, write a brief note of apology without mentioning the snubbing. However, if you honestly believe the fight wasn't your fault, sit back and let time do its work. If they really like you, they'll soon want you back and the other girl will have egg on her face. If they don't, guess what - you're better off joining a new group. Good luck.

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